David Koster MA
Kvalifikace: VŠ vzdělání + CELTA, DELTA
Učitelská praxe: od 2004

Born in: Assen, The Netherlands
Education: MA in English Language & Literature
Teaching qualification: CELTA and DELTA
Teaching since: 2004
Teaching in PARK since: 2011
Teaching experience in: Malaysia, Slovakia, England, Hungary, Morocco, Czech Republic
Your specialization: Business English, Teaching 121, Teaching English for Exams
What do you like about teaching?
Meeting people and helping them learn another language
What is your advice to students of English?
Try to read English books and listen to English radio as much as possible
Three things I like
pizza, cake and coffee
My favourite English word
ligniperduous - We read this in a castle in Moravia somewhere and we had no idea what it meant. A quick look on the internet, we found out that it means 'wood-destroying'
My favourite Czech word
None - I really should try and learn more Czech instead of Slovak.
Something special about me
I once almost completed a hike through deep snow around Mt Taranaki (NZ) wearing hiking shorts.
What I like most about P.A.R.K.
The cosy atmosphere.