Mgr. Alena Večerková
Kvalifikace: VŠ pedagogické vzdělání
Učitelská praxe: od 2010

Born in: Czech republic
Education: Faculty of Education MU, Park Lane College Leeds
Teaching since: 2010
Teaching in P.A.R.K. since: 2011
Teaching experience in: UK, Czech republic
Specialization: YLE (kids and teens) and seniors
What I like about teaching
The best thing about teaching English is when you see that the student has learnt something new. Teaching children is really rewarding and you can (usually) see their progress. I like when I know I make the difference.
My advice to students of English?
Never give up!
Three things I like
my family, chocolate, hoovering
My favourite English word
"probably"... I just like the sound of it....
My favourite Czech word
"víno" .... Do I have to explain this?
Something special about me
I have a strong sweet tooth. I´ve been with my husband for 15 years with no arguments. I spent 6 months travelling around New Zealand. I love teaching kids (even if I have 2 of my own)!
What I like most about P.A.R.K.
Friendly atmosphere, helpful colleagues, further professional development and Lazy Monkey Coffee Club