Mgr. Sona Krejčová
Kvalifikace: VŠ vzdělání
Učitelská praxe: od 2009

Kvalifikace: VŠ vzdělání
Učitelská praxe: od 2009
Born in: Brno, Česká republika
Education: Mgr in English Language & Literature
Teaching since: 2009
Teaching in PARK since: 2018
Teaching experience in: Spain
What do you like about teaching?
It’s the best job in the world I like everything about it - talking to students, guiding them, helping them to improve and I love seeing their progress.
What is your advice to students of English?
My advice to students of English?
Learning a language is not an easy task but step by step you can see that even impossible things are possible.
Three things I like
3 things I like:
Travelling, friends and fun!
My favourite English word
Conscientious – sounds great .
My favourite Czech word
Nejkulaťoulinkatější – it’s so cute.
What I like most about P.A.R.K.
Basically everything - students, colleagues, and our school café.