Stephen Humphrey
Kvalifikace: VŠ vzdělání
Učitelská praxe: od 1998

Kvalifikace: VŠ vzdělání
Učitelská praxe: od 1998
Teaching in P.A.R.K. since: I worked at PARK between 2004 and 2009 and have recently rejoined the school (September 2018)
Teaching experience in: Britain, Poland, Czech Republic, China, Italy, Ukraine
Specialization: Exam classes (Cambridge FCE/CAE, IELTS), General English at all levels. Teaching teenage learners.
✔ BA Honours (2:1) in English Language and Literature from the University of Hull, Great Britain
✔ University Cert TEFL teaching qualification from University of Central Lancashire, Preston
✔ Cambridge DELTA Modules 1, 2 and 3 (Masters level English teaching qualification)
What I like about teaching
I like interacting with people from different walks of life and learning from them as well as teaching them something interesting.
My advice to students of English?
Be sure to practice all the core skills (reading,writing,listening, speaking) as often as possible - if you don't use it, you lose it! Don't be afraid of making mistakes but do learn from them.
Three things I like
Music, reading, visiting new cities.
My favourite English word
My favourite Czech word
Something special about me
I'm good at imitating other people's voices and I've been told I should be on a stage.
My favourite thing about working in PARK
A friendly, laid-back feel to the school means students and staff often become friends and really get to know each other.
V naší nabídce jsou kurzy celkem na 16 úrovních pokročilosti. Abychom vás mohli zařadit do té nejoptimálnější studijní skupiny, vyplňte si online test. Prověříme vaše znalosti a doporučíme vám nejvhodnější kurz.
Vyplnit online testPo složení testu vás pozveme na úvodní pohovor, provedeme vás našimi výukovými prostory i zázemím pro studenty. A v neposlední řadě - kterýkoliv kurz si můžete poté zdarma a nezávazně předem vyzkoušet účastí na reálné výuce.