Will O'Connor
Kvalifikace: VŠ vzdělání, CELTA
Učitelská praxe: od roku 2018

Kvalifikace: VŠ vzdělání, CELTA
Učitelská praxe: od roku 2018
Where are you from?
I'm from Galway, a small city on the west coast of Ireland. It's the cultural centre of Ireland and also the European Capital of Culture 2020.
Education: University Education:
Bachelor of Science in Microbiology, with a secondary focus on Zoology & Genetics, from NUI, Galway
Master of Science (through research) Thesis title: The Design & Development of a DNA Array for Soil Nematode Identification, from IT, Carlow
CELT from Bridge Mills Language Centre, Galway
Teaching since:
I started teaching English in January 2018
Teaching in P.A.R.K. since:
I've been teaching in P.A.R.K. since September 2020
Teaching experience in (countries):
Ireland and the Czech Republic.
Cambridge exam preparation, 1-to-1 conversation
About teaching
What I like about teaching
I really enjoy helping people improve their language skills, whatever their motivation. I also love meeting people of all ages from many different backgrounds.
My advice to students of English?
Try to read, watch and listen to real English. TV shows, newspapers, music & films are great resources!
Three things I like
Music, reading & exploring the beautiful Czech countryside.
My favourite English word
Effervescent. It means bubbly!
My favourite Czech word
Pivo, because the Czechs do it better than anybody else. It's also effervescent.
Something special about me
I'm crazy about audio and love to make music with other people. I've worked on more songs than I can count, I stopped keeping track at 1,000!
My favorite thing about working in PARK
The staff and students are very friendly, it's always a nice place to walk into.
V naší nabídce jsou kurzy celkem na 16 úrovních pokročilosti. Abychom vás mohli zařadit do té nejoptimálnější studijní skupiny, vyplňte si online test. Prověříme vaše znalosti a doporučíme vám nejvhodnější kurz.
Vyplnit online testPo složení testu vás pozveme na úvodní pohovor, provedeme vás našimi výukovými prostory i zázemím pro studenty. A v neposlední řadě - kterýkoliv kurz si můžete poté zdarma a nezávazně předem vyzkoušet účastí na reálné výuce.