The 26th P.A.R.K. Conference
25.11. 2020
This edition of one of our country’s most popular ELT conferences will be held face-to-face on April 2nd, 2022!
Where: Biskupské gymnazium, Brno When: April 2nd, 2022
Thank you for your interest in the P.A.R.K. Conference.
You can find more information about the 26th Conference event by clicking on the links below:
When you register for the first time now, you will receive an invoice in the first week of October.
When you had already registered and paid for the April 2020 conference, please fill in the form to reconfirm your registration. You will not receive a new invoice unless you added lunch or the after party to your registration.
You will not be able to register for sessions yet as the programme may change because of Covid-19 (e.g. presenters may not be able to travel).
We will finalise the programme in October and you will be able to register for individual sessions from the 25th of October.
Please let us know if you have any questions. You can reach us on
The P.A.R.K. Conference Team
David Koster, Barbora Syrová, Iain SaundersFrom our Partners
SOL (Sharing One Language) is a UK non-profit set up in 1991 to support the teaching of English in EC Europe.
Our main focus is on providing quality interactive immersion language courses for students - giving them real confidence in using English. SOL also stands for “Speaking, Observing, Listening”- the fundamentals of our courses! All in the beautiful setting of N Devon, close to The Atlantic Ocean.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press is part of the University of Cambridge. Our mission is to unlock people’s potential with the best learning and research solutions. Our vision is a world of learning and research inspired by Cambridge. Cambridge University Press is a world leader in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT) publishing, with titles for teachers and learners of English, covering all levels from kindergarten to university and adult language training.
We have a long-established and thriving business throughout the Czech Republic, and now with a new lead office in Prague 7.
Cambridge English is a unique approach to teaching, learning and assessing
English. It is driven by world-class research and a profound commitment to:
• delivering educational excellence
• providing increased opportunities for learners and teachers
• offering value to teachers, educational institutions and employers
• promoting language learning to benefit society as whole.
Cambridge Assessment English provides the world’s most valuable range
of exams and qualifications for learners and teachers of English.
Hungry for more?
Please visit our international website where we have a plethora of FREE webinars relating to distance teaching and learning.
The Klett Group is one of Europe’s leading education-dedicated enterprises, with 67 companies at 33 sites in 15 countries. The Group’s portfolio encompasses everything from traditional textbooks to modern interactive learning aids; from professional literature to the classics.
Oxford University Press
Oxford University Press (OUP) publishes more than 6,000 titles a year worldwide, in a variety of formats. Its range includes dictionaries, English language teaching materials, children's books, journals, scholarly monographs, printed music, higher education textbooks, and schoolbooks.
Whether you’re taking small steps into teaching with digital or big strides,
it’s easy to find your way with support from Oxford here:
Ventures Books
Ventures Books is a direct importer of Pearson and Cambridge University Press ELT titles as well as a distributor of other ELT publishers. In Ventures Books we provide methodological support for teachers.
Jump (into your English)
Jump is both printed and online English (A0 - A1) monthly magazine for school children. All the articles are recorded by native speakers of English and supplemented with worksheets + solutions.
For your free sample copy of Jump, click here.
SciLearn English is a unique neuroscience based program designed to improve English skills and develop full language proficiency. Used around the world by millions of students at all levels of English.
Free webinar for PARK conference participants:
Learn more about SciLearn English in this free webinar on 9.11 at 14:30.
Edu Bears
Edu Bears nabízí inovativní jazyková vzdělávací řešení. Naší jedničkou je Teddy Eddie, licencovaná metoda výuky angličtiny pro děti ve věku 2 až 7 let, ověřená tisíci studentů v několika stovkách škol.
Navštivte stránku Teddy Eddie:
Fraus Publishing – professional support for education. Our goal is to help students develop their skills and knowledge. Above all, we want to motivate them and lead them to independent thinking and discovering. is a bookshop and internet retailer specializing in material for the learning and teaching of the English language. We offer titles from well-known English language publishers as well as a wide assortment of novels and non-fiction in English.
Megabooks is a foreign literature supplier present in the Czech market since 1992. We deliver specialized books from many fields of science, language textbooks, handbooks of methodology, dictionaries, social science and medical literature. We cooperate with significant foreign partners such as ELI Publishing and ELSEVIER, the world's leading publisher of science and health information. We are appointed an exclusive distributor for Oxford University Press.
Book lovers are surely familiar with our Oxford Bookshops, which you can find in seven cities in the Czech Republic: Prague, Pilsen, Hradec Králové, Brno, Olomouc, Ostrava and České Budějovice.
We also run a special bookshop in Prague - Librairie Francophone - which specializes in francophone literature.
You can visit our e-shop at, where you can check for all titles availability in our bookshops as well.
Partners in Learning
Ventures Books je přímým dovozcem ELT titulů nakladatelství Pearson a Cambridge University Press a zároveň distributorem ostatních ELT nakladatelství. Ventures Books rovněž poskytuje metodickou podporu učitelům: pořádá konference a webináře, připravuje tipy do výuky a vytváří doplňkové materiály k učebnicím.
Pearson je celosvětové nakladatelství s dlouholetou tradicí, které vydává moderní učebnice angličtiny a vyvíjí nové technologie tak, aby výuka byla co nejjednodušší a přinášela úspěch. Portfolio Pearson zahrnuje vše pro výuku
studentů různého věku, znalostí i cílů studia.
MM Publications
MM Publications was founded by teachers, which means that quality teaching materials and teacher support has always been at the heart of the company. We frequently publish new series, allowing us to include the latest methodology. Our coursebooks come with extended teacher’s packs. We believe that they are necessary for quality teaching, which is why we provide them for free to any teacher who teaches a group from our books. Our motto is 'behind you all the way!' and we mean it. If you have any questions, orders or would like to receive sample copies, feel
free to contact us at
www.skolnizajezdy.czŠkolní zájezdy, s. r. o. is a travel agency specialized in organizing international tours for primary and secondary schools. Naturally, we also arrange local (Czech) excursions and trips. Our mission is to support experiential education outside classrooms and motivate students to learn foreign languages and explore the world. All our programmes are professionally designed with respect to ages and interests of participants. We are celebrating our 25th anniversary this school year and giving out a tablet to an organizing teacher for each dispatched multi-day trip to mark the occasion. We also offer exceptionally flexible payment, change and cancellation policies to help alleviate some of the current uncertainty surrounding international travel. Visit our stand to learn more, get a discount voucher for your next school trip and enter into a drawing for a brand new tablet.
Express Publishing is an independent UK based publishing house established in 1988 with the purpose of raising the standards of English language teaching. By producing a wide variety of innovative teaching materials including course
books, grammar books, exam materials, ESP textbooks, Teacher's Resource books as well as supplementary ELT & CLIL readers we have been meeting the needs of students and teachers alike for more than 30 years. The company has
enjoyed steady growth since its inception, and offers over 3500 titles sold in more than 110 countries. Express Publishing has numerous ministerial adoptions worldwide and it has been nominated multiple times by the British Council Innovation Awards.
Distributor of Express Publishing books & digital materials in Czech Republic.
Lingea se věnuje vývoji jazykových aplikací a tvorbě vlastních jazykových
titulů od r. 1997 a to jako softwarová firma a vydavatel knih. Působíme v
Česku, na Slovensku, v Polsku, Maďarsku, Rumunsku, Srbsku a na
Slovinsku, dohromady nabízíme na 500 knižních titulů. Jsme také předním
dodavatelem jazykových technologií a partnerem významných světových
vydavatelů, jako jsou HarperCollins Publishers, Pearson Education, Oxford
University Press, Robert a další. Naše aplikace používají zákazníci v Evropě,
USA, Brazílii, Mexiku, Číně a Koreji.
As usual there will be a nice chance to buy affordable (second-hand) textbooks and this time to contribute to the ZDRAVOTNI KLAUN foundation.
Zdravotní klaun is a non-profit organization operating in several countries, which is widely recognized for its expertise in using humor in health care. Presently, 86 professional clowndoctors regularly visit 63 hospitals and 9 retirement homes. The organization is a partner of Red Noses International and a member of the European Federation of Hospital Clowning Organizations.
Date change
This edition of one of our country’s most popular ELT conferences has moved from 7th November 2020 due to restrictions currently in place in the Czech Republic and around the world.
Don’t forget, if you’ve already registered and paid for the April 2020 conference, your registration is still valid for the conference in November 2021. However, if you can’t make it or need to make any adjustments to your registration, just contact us at:
Who’s going?
As we confirm speakers, topics and sessions, we’ll put them here to keep you up-to-date on everything to look forward to on the day.
Be a presenter at the 26th P.A.R.K. Conference!
Are you interested in sharing your practical teaching ideas or the latest insights into teaching English with an enthusiastic audience? You can submit your proposal here:
What to expect:
As always, though, you’ll be treated to:
Themes and topics include:
Registration will open at the beginning of September.
We’re looking forward to seeing you!
The P.A.R.K. Conference team
Roman Kožnar, Barbora Syrová, David Koster
V naší nabídce jsou kurzy celkem na 16 úrovních pokročilosti. Abychom vás mohli zařadit do té nejoptimálnější studijní skupiny, vyplňte si online test. Prověříme vaše znalosti a doporučíme vám nejvhodnější kurz.
Vyplnit online testPo složení testu vás pozveme na úvodní pohovor, provedeme vás našimi výukovými prostory i zázemím pro studenty. A v neposlední řadě - kterýkoliv kurz si můžete poté zdarma a nezávazně předem vyzkoušet účastí na reálné výuce.