Karolína Štěpánová
Kvalifikace: VŠ vzdělání
Učitelská praxe: od 2020

Kvalifikace: VŠ vzdělání
Učitelská praxe: od 2020
Born in:Czech Republic, Zlín
Education: Bachelor's degree in English Language for Education and Physical Education and Sport, my master's degree in English Language for Education is in process
Teaching since: 2020
Teaching in P.A.R.K. since: 2024
Your specialization: Kids&Teens
What do you like about teaching?
What I enjoy most about teaching English is creating activities that keep students entertained and at the same time help them learn effectively. I am motivated by feedback and being able to pass on my knowledge to students and seeing their smiles and passion for the activities I create for them
What is your advice to students of English?
Watch movies in English, read books in English, if you play video games, chat with people in English, if you have a chance to speak to someone in English, get out of your comfort zone and do it. Practice makes perfect.
Three things I like
Cats, MotoGP, sports
My favourite English word
flabbergasted... it just sounds cool
My favourite Czech word
Something special about me
I'm a former rhythmic gymnast, I've participated in several World and European championships, and rhythmic gymnastics has been a part of my daily life for 15 years. This sport has affected me greatly as I've gained discipline and the ability to organize my time.
What I like most about P.A.R.K.
As I'm new in here, definitely the team - so kind and helpful colleagues!
V naší nabídce jsou kurzy celkem na 16 úrovních pokročilosti. Abychom vás mohli zařadit do té nejoptimálnější studijní skupiny, vyplňte si online test. Prověříme vaše znalosti a doporučíme vám nejvhodnější kurz.
Vyplnit online testPo složení testu vás pozveme na úvodní pohovor, provedeme vás našimi výukovými prostory i zázemím pro studenty. A v neposlední řadě - kterýkoliv kurz si můžete poté zdarma a nezávazně předem vyzkoušet účastí na reálné výuce.