Katrin Jongepierová
Kvalifikace: VŠ vzdělání
Učitelská praxe: od 2018

Where are you from?
I’m from a small town in Southern Moravia.
Education: University Education:
Masaryk University bachelor’s degree in English Language and Literature and Dutch Language and Literature. I am currently studying for my master’s degree in English Language and Literature at the Upper Secondary School Teacher Training, Masaryk University.
Teaching since:
I have been teaching individual students since 2018, but officially, I had my first classes here in P.A.R.K.
Teaching in P.A.R.K. since:
I have been teaching in P.A.R.K. since February 2019.
Teaching experience in (countries):
In the Czech Republic.
I think I still need to specialise my teaching, although I am already highly interested in teaching with technology and in developing 21st century skills in the classroom.
What I like about teaching
I like getting to know the students on a rather deep level, seeing their passion, diligence and progress. Sometimes I even hope that learning English might help them to fulfil their dreams.
My advice to students of English?
Find some activity in English (podcasts, watching movies, listening to BBC radio etc.) which you will love doing (for instance, I love listening to BBC4 while I’m cooking), because a great deal of the English knowledge depends on you, your input and your motivation.
Three things I like
Music, Art and Food!
My favourite English word
Marvellous! A great word to evaluate any situation.
My favourite Czech word
Uh, probably “kokino”. I like all kinds of those words from our Moravian dialect (such as “tož”).
Something special about me
I’m half Dutch and play the cimbalom.
My favorite thing about working in PARK
The atmosphere and the fact that although all the teachers possess a great deal of English knowledge and are specialists, they do not show o
V naší nabídce jsou kurzy celkem na 16 úrovních pokročilosti. Abychom vás mohli zařadit do té nejoptimálnější studijní skupiny, vyplňte si online test. Prověříme vaše znalosti a doporučíme vám nejvhodnější kurz.
Vyplnit online testPo složení testu vás pozveme na úvodní pohovor, provedeme vás našimi výukovými prostory i zázemím pro studenty. A v neposlední řadě - kterýkoliv kurz si můžete poté zdarma a nezávazně předem vyzkoušet účastí na reálné výuce.